AIO Aquarium RSS
Live Rock Vs. Dry Rock
Live Rock Vs. Dry Rock Let's take a deep dive into why rock is so important, what the major differences are, what types of rock are out there, and rock substitutes. Why Is Rock So Important To Your Aquarium? Rock is not only the foundation of your reef tank but the main source of filtration. What makes rock "live" are the beneficial bacteria (micro-fauna and micro-flora) that inhabit all the tiny cracks and crevices and process fish waste and uneaten food. These bacteria are vital to the nitrogen cycle which keeps ammonia from building up and causing harm to your reef. Circling...
Setting Up A Reef Tank
So you went to a local fish store for some goldfish food and got to looking around. Maybe you noticed some colorful fish and coral and thought "saltwater is too much work" or "I would love something like this but it must be expensive". Well, it might be a bit more manageable than you think. Check out this step-by-step guide to setting up a reef tank! Step 1: Do Your Research Well, you are here so congrats on starting out right. Before you go out and buy what you think you will need, create a comprehensive list of what you know you...